Remembering Chad H. Conrey, DRC Director

In memoriam, 1970-2025

It is with heavy hearts that Devils River Conservancy (DRC) shares the announcement of Mr. Chad 'Smokey' Conrey’s passing on January 13, 2025. Chad was a beloved Director on DRC’s Board and will be deeply missed by all of us at DRC.

Chad first joined Devils River Conservancy’s (DRC) Advisory Board in April 2023 and was unanimously welcomed to the Board of Directors just one year later, following his active support of DRC’s efforts to protect the lands and waters of the Devils River Basin and build a community of fellow river advocates. Chad’s heartfelt outreach on behalf of DRC led to integral connectivity with private philanthropy and consequently, vital fundraising for the organization. In addition to his ability to form genuine, lasting relationships with folks from all walks of life, Chad was an idea man, offering creative solutions grounded in realistic goals. His thoughtful contributions to DRC decision-making will have lasting positive impacts on this organization’s mission and operations well into the future. We are all better for having known Chad and experienced his enduring spirit of camaraderie and dedication to this community and the river he loved.

Per Chad's wishes, DRC is accepting donations in his memory through the Conrey Memorial Fund. Donations will support DRC’s ongoing work to protect and preserve the Devils River, its watershed, and essential springs, a mission Chad shared and advocated passionately for.

To learn more about Chad’s work in Texas conservation and donate to his memorial fund, click below.

To read his full obituary and for information about his celebration of life, being held on January 24th in San Antonio and virtually, please click here.